With the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic, there presents an ongoing need to monitor data regularly in order for businesses to interpret and respond to the impact of the pandemic. This presentation is concerned with actuarial teams and how they may use lightweight dashboarding techniques as part of an internal reporting strategy, allowing them to understand or forecast trends, understand the impact on their business, and share information required to these impacts.
Our aim is for users to have a set of relevant pages displaying key COVID-19 statistics interactively, like the ability to change the country, date, and statistic they wish to view. To make it more readable, we want to display these in separate tabs. One page displaying COVID-19 statistics at a glance, labeled as "Overview", another displaying an interactive table the user can search through ("Table"), and finally an interactive plotting environment where the user can compare countries across various features (e.g. daily deaths and cumulative tests conducted). We also want to give users the ability to add moving averages, smoothing out the visualised data while preserving trends.
R Shiny is a dashboarding technique found in the R programming language. RStudio contains templates and helpful guides to get started. Shiny dashboards are essentially web-based applications that can also run locally. Even though it is web-based, simple examples do not require any Javascript, HTML, or CSS knowledge.
Implemented correctly, a dashboard should be intuitive to the user to operate and produce clear visuals and insights from data. The user will typically not have to add code nor require knowledge on how to code, as the code operates in the background. This offers users more flexibility than static visualisations but without requiring the users to know how to produce visualisations from scratch.
Implementing a Shiny dashboard in R requires a shift from traditional programming structures, known as reactive programming. This essentially means code can be run and objects may change in real-time while the program is running. To contrast this to usual R programming, when we run the code to train a model and produce a summary of the output, we cannot alter that model while it is running and see results in real time. It requires that we run the piece of code again before changes can be seen. With Shiny's reactive programming, we only need to run the R script once to load the dashboard, then by interacting with the dashboard, we "re-run" part of the code again with new changes made. As you will see, we are able to switch from country to country and alter the dates and the output (e.g. case numbers, deaths, and vaccines) update automatically.
We utilise the most recent version of Our World in Data's COVID-19 dataset, found on their GitHub repository https://github.com/owid/covid-19-data/tree/master/public/data/. The dataset contains the following information relevant to our dashboard:
1. Reported Cases and Deaths: Daily and cumulative values for each country from the first reported case worldwide to present day. This is provided from the COVID-19 Data Repository by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University.
2. Reported Tests: Daily and cumulative amounts compiled by Our World in Data.
3. Vaccinations: Daily and cumulative amounts compiled by Our World in Data using published reports. Before being used in the dashboard, the dataset is checked for quality and structure by checking for missing values, obvious outliers, and visualisation spot-checks.
In addition to the R programming language, we also require external packages that allow us to build the dashboard, namely Shiny, shinydashboard, DT, lubridate, tidyverse, and zoo.
Note that this is performed using R 4.0.3 for Windows 10 x64.
The first step is to load the required packages and data onto the local system. Any missing values are set to zero and we ensure the dates present are date objects. The data is then stored as a reactive object.
The output from user selections will be captured in the server function and updated in the UI object.
We make use of info boxes to display information on daily & cumulative cases, deaths, and vaccinations. This requires us to perform a subset command on the server-side based on the user input and update the UI with the output. The aim is to provide key statistics colour-coded at a glance. Developers can add functionality such as choosing which statistics to display.
We then want to provide users with an interactive space to query the data for themselves by country. The DT package makes this very straightforward and quick to implement. The result is an interactive table that can be queried and sorted.
This interactive element allows for complete datasets to be loaded succinctly. Further features can be added such as user-inputted SQL commands through the sqldf package.
This requires generalised plots that update based on user input. The user can set two countries they wish to view, their date range, the feature they want to plot, and the option to include a moving average plot.
Special care must be taken to update the headings and legends to match the user inputs. These can be saved and used when compiling internal reports. Users are able to generate multiple plots without having to produce any new code. The moving average functionality allows users to stipulate the number of days they want to average over, and a plot is produced below the regular plot. The rollmean() function found in the zoo package is used.
When dashboards are created, they are deployed locally and accessed through localhost. While this is useful for testing features, it is inflexible if the aim is to distribute it with others since it would require them to install R and all dependencies on their local machine. Some solutions are:
Shinyapps.io allows developers to quickly deploy their dashboards on pre-existing hardware that is secured by RStudio themselves. Free-tier gives developers a limited number of active hours but up to 5 dashboards on a preset domain, which scales up through various paid tiers allowing for multiple dashboards and personalised domains.
This is an open-source solution through Amazon Web Servers or a similar cloud provider. Developers have to build up the environment themselves through Linux-supported binaries (this may be advanced for some) that offer flexibility and personalised control over their deployment and the management of their server.
This is a collaborative environment for all R hosting from dashboards to R Markdown reports through RStudio. It is a commercial license and may be suitable for a team working collaboratively in R using RStudio's suite that wish to deploy their software and receive the necessary support from RStudio.
The dashboard can be accessed here: https://actuartech.shinyapps.io/COVID-19_Dashboard/
Please reach out to us at info@actuartech.com if you experience technical difficulties. Note that after periods of inactivity you may have to restart it by clicking the restart button at the bottom left.
[1] Hosting and deployment
[2] Learn shiny
[3] Open source & professional software for data science teams, May 2021
[4] Diana Beltekian Hannah Ritchie, Esteban Ortiz-Ospina. Coronavirus pandemic (covid-19). Our World in Data, 2020
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